How Does Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Treat Chronic Pain?

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 12 August 2016
In order to have a healthy, well-oiled machine of a body, you need to have healthy cells. And that's not a passive thing -  regular tune-ups for body cells can slow aging, and reduce risks of cell dysfunction or disease. Pulsed Ele...
Posted in:PEMFchronic pain   0 Comments

Treating Common Sports Injuries with Chiropractic Care

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 16 June 2016
Treating Common Sports Injuries with Chiropractic Care
Athletes understand the arduous demands of sports and the physical requirement in exerting themselves to their body's max performance potential. Pushing the body through physical contact and eccentric movements, athletes become more sus...
Posted in:sports chiropracticsports chiropractorchiropractic treatmentsports injurieschiropractic adjustmentspinal decompressionlow back paincommon sports injuriesrunners kneetennis elbow   0 Comments