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How Long Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Take To Work?

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 6 July 2021
How Long Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Take To Work?

Chiropractic adjustments are the most common service provided by chiropractors. The primary goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to realign the spine into an optimal position and reduce "subluxation" by bringing the bones of a joint back to a natural fit. Proper alignment of your spine puts less stress on your neck and back, as well as the rest of your body, and has been known to decrease pain along with many other symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments are often referred to as chiropractic manipulations, manual manipulations, back adjustments, or spinal adjustments. They have been especially common these days when a large percentage of the population has been working from home for the past year and a half, and not often in the most comfortable of settings. We're here to answer some common questions our patients have, including how long a chiropractic adjustment takes to work and how often you should be going back for more sessions.

What Does a Chiropractor Do When They Perform an Adjustment?

Spinal alignment is achieved through manual manipulation, wherein the chiropractor gently stretches, thrusts, and applies pressure as they see fit until the spine is more optimally aligned. Chiropractors are trained and licensed to apply various techniques in order to provide individualized chiropractic care. They will begin with a full "needs assessment" prior to treatment. Once a plan of action is determined, they will use specific controlled forces based on your pain points, keeping in mind any underlying conditions. As a patient, the only difference you will feel is in the level of pressure applied and the speed of application.

Your chiropractor is likely to utilize one of the most common chiropractic techniques, involving a strong directional thrust directly into the joint. As pressure is released from the joints, there will be an audible "pop" or "crack," which is nothing more than air escaping the affected area. Upon this release, you could or may feel immediate relief. So, the answer to "how long a chiropractic adjustment takes to work" is actually immediately! Some patients experience slight discomfort during or after their chiropractic adjustment, but most do not describe it as painful.

How Long is a Chiropractic Session?

Chiropractic appointments, and the time it takes to realign your spine through a chiropractic adjustment, tend to be quite short for the most part. Appointments typically range from 15-45 minutes. Because your first chiropractic appointment will involve a full needs assessment, expect to be there for around 45 minutes. This will give the chiropractic team enough time to fully understand what is bothering you, what conditions you may have, and to create a personalized treatment plan for you to get started.

How Long Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Last?

How long a chiropractic adjustment lasts depends on quite a few different factors. The reason for misalignment and how misaligned your spine is initially can be a couple of those factors which determine how many chiropractic adjustments you will need and how often. Generally, you can expect 4-12 weekly sessions and a personalized treatment plan moving forward to determine how often you should be booking adjustment sessions.

Think chiropractic adjustments may be right for you? Contact us to schedule an appointment with your local Mississauga chiropractor!


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Dr. Serge LanoueAuthor:Dr. Serge Lanoue
About: Since 1990, Mississauga chiropractor Dr. Serge Lanoue has been helping patients feel better through time-tested chiropractic techniques. Dr. Lanoue and his team have worked with patients on a number of physical issues from back pain to rheumatoid arthritis to tennis elbow to migraines. Our patients are looking to live healthier lifestyles without relying so much on prescriptions or surgeries to heal injuries. Chiropractic therapy is a more natural treatment option.
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Tags:chiropractic treatmentchiropractic adjustment

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