Can Chiropractic Care for Headaches Really Help?
Headaches and migraines can be difficult to deal with at the best of times; when they’re recurring and long-lasting, however, they can be devastating. Chiropractic care is a possible treatment for migraines and headaches that may address the root causes of these issues.
Let’s Talk About Migraines and Headaches
Before asking the question “can a chiropractor help with headaches and migraines”, let’s talk a little bit about what headaches are. Beyond the obvious clues hidden in the word itself, headaches can actually be broadly divided into four categories according to their causes, symptoms and durations. These are migraines, tension headaches, sinus headaches and cluster headaches. Though their causes and symptoms are different, all of them can be extremely painful and can have dramatic effects on everyday life.
Those suffering from recurring or chronic headaches may benefit from determining which type of headache they regularly experience in order to better discuss it with a chiropractor during consultation. The type of headache may make a difference in the treatment your chiropractor decides to recommend.
How Might Chiropractic Care for Headaches Help Address Root Causes?
You may be wondering how chiropractic care for headaches might work; after all, the pain is in your head, not your back! The truth is, chiropractic care is about way more than just the spine, because the spine is way more than just bones. The spinal cord begins at the base of the brain and runs all the way to the lower back, and chiropractic manipulation of the spine may have wide-reaching effects on overall health, including for the nervous system, and even the brain.
Depending on the type of headaches experienced, chiropractic adjustments and treatments varying from upper cervical adjustment to spinal decompression have been proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine onset. Other types of headaches may be linked to contractions of the neck muscles and scalp, which may be eased by chiropractic adjustments.
Will Chiropractic Care Fix Headaches and Migraines?
The question of “fixing” migraines and headaches is not so easily answered. Cut-and-dry results from chiropractic appointments cannot be guaranteed, and in many cases, recovery is contingent on different factors from which headaches and migraines stem, beyond simply physiological causes. Some examples of external factors include alcohol, stress and anxiety, posture, loud noises, and even medications and certain foods.
Chiropractic care for headaches and migraines is rarely a matter of simple fixes; rather, it is a complex and sometimes holistic process. Addressing headaches begins with identifying the cause and discussing possible treatments with your chiropractor. Chiropractic care may be an alternative to surgery and medication that could have positive effects on headaches, migraines and overall health.
To learn more about chiropractic treatments that may help to treat headaches and migraines, explore our services or contact Dr. Lanoue.
Tags:Headacheschiropractic treatmentchiropractic adjustmentchiropractic caremigraine |
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