How Mississauga Chiropractic Clinics are Adapting to COVID-19
As Ontario dives into Phase 2 of re-opening during the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to know and remember all of the rules. Our knowledge of the virus evolves, and they evolve with it. As you begin to get back to your "new normal," we want to update you on what chiropractic clinics in Mississauga are doing to keep you safe, and also give you some tips on what you can do to ensure everyone's safety around you.
Top 3 Ways Mississauga Chiropractic Clinics are Keeping You Safe
1. Following Physical Distancing Guidelines
By now we've all heard the importance of remaining a safe distance from others. Staff, patients and other individuals should remain two metres apart from each other within the chiropractic clinic whenever possible, including in: waiting areas, transition areas and hallways, reception and payment areas, as well as treatment areas.
2. Putting up or Wearing Physical Barriers
Reception desks at chiropractic clinics in Mississauga now have plexiglass barriers to increase the physical distance between staff and patients. Staff are also wearing facemasks in order to protect each other, patients, and visitors where physical distancing can be a challenge (but we promise, we are still smiling at you behind the masks!). Chiropractic clinic staff are well equipped with all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), which are required to ensure patient safety throughout your appointment.
Read more about why face coverings are important to stop the spread here.
3. Reconfiguring Chiropractic Office Space to Allow for Easier Social Distancing
Your chiropractic clinic and experience may be a little different than what you're used to, but please know that Mississauga chiropractors are doing everything they can to keep patients safe and healthy. This includes reconfiguring offices and waiting areas to ensure Ontario physical distancing guidelines are being met. Please bear with us as we navigate this difficult time, while continuing to provide you with the best care.
Top 3 Ways You Can Help Keep Your Mississauga Chiropractic Clinic Team Safe
1. Stay Home if you are feeling unwell.
If you have any of the following symptoms, please delay your visit and either contact your healthcare provider, Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000), or visit an Assessment Centre for testing.
- Fever
- New onset of cough
- Chills
- Unexplained fatigue
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Stuffy or congested nose
- Lost sense of taste or smell
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Pink eye
- Digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain)
- For young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite
- OR if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms
If you think you may have COVID-19, start here to find more information about what you should do.
2. Follow Ontario Hygiene Guidelines Before, During, and After your Appointment
It has been said many times in the last few months, but it is worth repeating. Hand hygiene is the most effective way of preventing the transmission of infections to patients and staff in Mississauga chiropractic clinics. Please wash your hands before and after you enter the chiropractic clinic, as well as when you arrive home from your appointment. Please also wear a facemask to protect yourself and others when physical distancing is not possible. When paying for an appointment, try to use credit or debit whenever possible, to limit the exchange of paper, and ask for your receipt to be emailed to you.
3. Be On Time for Your Appointment
Chiropractic clinics in Mississauga are taking great care and caution to schedule appointments so as not to overcrowd our clinics. Please try your best to be on time for your appointment so that each day can run smoothly.
Still have questions regarding COVID-19? Do not hesitate to give our chiropractic clinic in Mississauga a call. We are happy to answer any questions before your appointment.
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